The German English Garden

english garden munich germany

The Englischer Garten in Munich huuuuge! Just so you know what you are getting yourself into. I didn’t… It stretches 5 km along the river, and is among largest city parks in the world. I didn’t go the whole distance, but I kept walking and walking, and felt like I never would make it to centre of town. It being in the freezing winter, didn’t help. And apparently no one else thought it was a good idea, because it was just me out there. Not even the surfers that surf one of the waterways in the park were there. My local friend told me they do it in the winter too, but I was not so lucky. When I finally made it to the beer garden with the Chinese Tower, which was also closed, I could see there was a bus stop on the opposite side of the road. In other words you might not have to walk all the way. Did anyone mention research?? 😀 I mean, had it been in summer, the garden would have been a totally different story. Not as pale and bleak as my experience. Considering that it is called an English garden, it is very multicultural in its expression – Greek love temple, Chinese Tower, Japanese tea house. An English garden with Greek, Japanese and Chinese influences in Germany. Hail diversity!


Note: Photos are by High Contrast (#1) and me (#2).

chinese tea house english garden munich germany

8 thoughts on “The German English Garden

    1. Munich is the best!! This park, I imagine, is best in the spring/summer time 😉

  1. I’ve been keen to visit Munich since a good blogger friend of mine lived there. I’ll keep your tips in mind – the bus stop!

    1. No, I went a few years back. Yes, I assume there is a lot more activity in the summer than the winter, because it was close to empty.

  2. I walked through some of it last April…much nicer then!! And the surfers are cool. I may go one summer and ride down the river like locals do!

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