Gossip Cafe
This was my first experience with the food on offer in Krakow, Poland, and it was not a bad one.…
it's the traveller who is foreign
This was my first experience with the food on offer in Krakow, Poland, and it was not a bad one.…
This place lies on a quiet, dim lit side street in Krakow, Poland. The reason it caught my attention, was…
Zapiekanka I was first introduced to at work, office canteen. And I really liked it! Them not serving the best…
Spa in Eastern Europe, is a lot cheaper than in Norway, so when in Krakow, I really wanted to take…
Now there’s a few street food stall restaurants in Oslo, Norway. Vippa was the first one that popped up. Oslo…
Sculpture parks have become my new thing. When I spotted the above on the map, while strolling through Grønland neighbourhood…
People love Paris, and I just don’t get it. Third time’s, definitely not, the charm. This is probably one of…
Last time I was in Paris, France, for a pitstop only, a thought took form: Due to steep hotel prices,…
A new restaurant popped up close to our offices in Oslo, Norway. I don’t mind! This means a new place…
I was very surprised by this McDondald’s of pizza in Oslo, Norway. It looks like a generic fast food restaurant.…
This summer I accidentally ended up at the music festival Tons of Rock, held every year on Ekebergsletta, in Oslo,…
When I was looking for a place to meet a friend for lunch, in Oslo, Norway, this one popped up.…