This cafe in Krakow, Poland, lured me in with their cakes and desserts on display. They look delicious, and creative. Same goes for their drinks. Did they taste as good as they look? Well, I wonder if there is a difference in food culture coming into play – had some of the same happen in Paris. Regarding the pavlova I went for. The whipped cream was not a fluffy as I am used to, on the contrary very compact, and the meringue not particularly sweet. Making the whole thing a bit boring and off, for my taste buds. The tea setup on the other hand, the best. I’ve never had such an elaborate thing before. Tea, slices of lime and ginger, fresh peppermint leaves, and a small cup of, what I’m guessing is, syrup. Even though the cake was not a bull’s eye, they have so many things to choose from, that I’d be open to going back, and give other stuff a try. What appeared to be returning guests, sat down at the next table, so that should vouch for something…? The cafe itself is nice, but small, not many seats, some curbside.
Tried a couple of other eateries in Krakow too, including the famous Zapiekanka.
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