Zapiekanka I was first introduced to at work, office canteen. And I really liked it! Them not serving the best of food, in my opinion, I figured it must be even better in Poland. Visiting Krakow, I knew what I had to do. A little bit of googling, and I found out, the best place to get it, is at Plac Nowy, in Kazimierz. And the most popular shop amongst locals, is Endzior.
At Plac Nowy, you’ll find this octagonal-ish building, housing several Zapiekanka outlets, each having their own service window. Also on the square, are food stalls offering other kinds of food, and nic nac vendors. The square is lined with restaurants too. After circling the building, I spotted Endzior, and with it being the most busy place, I concluded, what I had read must be right.
You can have what is called the Polish pizza, with many different toppings. I went with the standard. Mushrooms covered with cheese only, on the toasted baguette. Asked for garlic sauce instead of ketchup. Got both. Wouldn’t have made any difference. Handed the 35+ cm open face sandwich, half would have been enough, I looked for a place to sit, which there is none of. Perched on the corner of a street flower pot, I dug in. I soon realised, the strong taste of the garlic sauce overpowered everything else. Wiped it off, but the tangy smell of vinegar, from the ketchup, was constantly up my nostrils.
Conclusion: Not perfect, or maybe this is how it’s suppose to taste… If I’d do it again, I’d go for no sauce, or garlic sauce on the side, so you can adjust to taste. Maybe more toppings, or gooey cheese, because you need something to level up the bread, mushrooms, cheese combo. And perhaps try another shop…?
Tried a couple of other eateries in Krakow too.
Plac Nowy is located in the Jewish quarter, Kazimierz. Apparently the neighbourhood is a must-do while visiting Krakow. Also popular due to Schindler’s List being filmed here. Did a stroll through, but wasn’t impressed. A few shots at the end of the post. At one point, it hit me, taking into account the world situation, this might not be the best / safest place to hang out these days… And then I continued on 😀
