Paris, Je T’aime, Not So Much…

is eiffel tower paris france worth it

People love Paris, and I just don’t get it. Third time’s, definitely not, the charm. This is probably one of my least favourite big cities. Since last time, years ago, and probably due to the recently held Olympics, at least it’s easier for non-French speaking visitors to survive the metropolis. I walked the streets for the most part, but the public transportation system came in handy, as things are further away than what it looks like on the map.


This one is actually beautiful, on the outside. If you wanna go inside, the line is doable. I didn’t. Could be I did it years ago. If so, I guess it wasn’t unforgettable, because I don’t remember a thing… The hill, on which it lies, is a bit steep, but views of the city are not striking.

Eiffel Tower

Last time I was here, I walked up to the 2nd floor. Spotted the elevators, and they didn’t look tempting. Neither the lines. Views not particularly impressive. This time I didn’t bother. Now the whole area has been fenced in. Looks cool all lit up at night, on photos, so maybe do that.

Arc de Triomphe

I considered climbing the arch, but when I got there, I just didn’t feel like it. You have to pay to get onto the roundabout island. Not a line, so should go quickly. You access via an underground walkway.


If this one is on your wish list, get there early. Midday on an autumn weekday, there were 200-300 people in line, maybe even more. Super busy. I was shocked. Wonder what seeing the Mona Lisa will be like, like being at the back of a rock concert? Building in the backyard created a cool setup.


This neighbourhood was probably very nice once upon a time. Now it is packed to the rim with tourists, especially the area next to Sacre-Coeur. Elsewhere there are less people, and nothing exciting to see. Spotted some neat street art. Also popped by the Latin Quarter. Popular place as well, but not as crammed as Montmartre. Some narrow streets, but nothing you haven’t seen before. Picked up macaroons and chocolate covered meringue.

Jardin du Luxembourg

Luxembourg Garden is probably a nice, green lung in the summer. Quite big.

Notre Dame

Still under re-construction, it looks like.

Centre Pompidou

This one I was planning on doing, but after a little more research, it didn’t seem to be up my alley, after all. Outside is excellent. Do check out Atelier des Lumières! I wanted to see the Van Gogh show, but turned out the exhibitions alternate during the week. I had chosen the wrong day. In other words, plan!

Moulin Rouge

Ran into lots of people in this section of Montmartre. Tourists, who had based themselves on a road divider, in front of the theatre, for best pic possible. Parisians living everyday life, as this looked like a thoroughfare through the neighborhood.


Rue Mouffetard

A somewhat nice, but short, street, close to the Pantheon, in the Latin Quarter. Away form the most busy section of the neighbourhood. Mostly restaurants and cafes, some shops.

Random shots

4 thoughts on “Paris, Je T’aime, Not So Much…

  1. Sorry to hear you had less than a grand time in Paris. I also feel like the city gets more raves than it deserves but I did enjoy our weekend there back at the end of June. Part of that might be because I had very, very low expectations. I had been to Paris before, in spring but with terrible rainy and grey weather. This last trip I was so afraid of crowds and horribly hot temperatures that when neither really materialized, I was pleasantly surprised. Also, other than going into the Louvre (it is open late on Fridays so we went then and it wasn’t all that crowded) and up the Eiffel Tower (again we went in early evening and took the stairs….no lines and not too many people), we avoided museums, just to avoid the crowds. We got to Sacre-Coeur early and weaved through Montmartre on the small streets which kept us away from the crowds as well. So I did enjoy the architecture and covered passageways. The thing I really didn’t like was the peepee smell everywhere. I’ve been to (and lived in a couple) many big cities and never have I come across that smell so often as in Paris in the summer. Thanks for your post, I was very interested to see the sights you shared and read your impression. 😃

    1. That is so funny! You just said the same as a colleague of mine, before I left. She said it smelt urine «everywhere». And it was the first thing I detected coming off the plane 😀 Elsewhere not so much. Maybe it got overpowered by the smell of cigarettes. «Everybody» smokes, or vapes. I hate it. First time I visited, maybe 20 years ago, I had high expectations. Did all the major sights. Was not too impressed. Second time was in the middle of summer, and a heatwave, so after a short shopping spree on Champs-Elysees, we headed for the A/C at the airport. We came in from Normandy. Third time I was suppose to fly in the morning after the terrorist attacks, back in 2015. Flight left without me. Wanted to go back one more time, to see if there was something I had missed out on. Now I am done.

      1. Yeah, I don’t see that you have any reason to return. For me, it’s a place I went back to primarily because my daughter wanted to visit for her first time. I don’t plan to return but if I happen to, there are things I missed seeing that I’d check out. I really liked the chimney pots on the buildings, they really lend a charm to the city. But the smell…I mean, I lived in Manhattan and, while it could smell in the summer, it wasn’t of urine. I really didn’t understand that about Paris. I don’t think I could live there with that particular smell. 😬

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