St. Kitts, where everybody knows your name. At least that’s what my taxi driver proclaimed, as we made our way honking through traffic to my first stop of the day. With us chewing on my newly acquired sugar canes 🙂 That was definitely something for my sweet tooth! And a suitable prequel to visiting an old sugar plantation. After going up a dirt road in the rainforest, we reached the ruins of the sugar production facilities, before continuing to Romney Manor – a colorful building surrounded by lush gardens. Nowadays Caribelle Batik calls this place its home. They have lots for sale, and also batik demonstrations. All in all, this was nothing spectacular, but it seems these days they have archaeological excavations to take part in, a bar, zip line, and petroglyphs. Sounds like things that would add to the experience.
When I disembarked the cruise ship, there were plenty of taxis waiting to take me out and about. Talked to the staff members at the dock, and they helped arrange the trip and assigned a driver. A tad more expensive than what I had read somewhere, but it seemed to be a (fairly) fixed fare.
St. Kitts was a port on my cruise with Celebrity Cruises.