Comfort Hotel Xpress in Tromsø, Norway, is not budget friendly, but it might be among the cheapest you’ll find in town. It will give you a place to spend the night, but not more than that. No breakfast, no restaurant, room service or minibar. No everyday cleaning, or new towels or bedding. More or less exactly what I’m used to, just at a completely different price. Basically no fuzz, as they say on their page. They do have self-service check-in, if you prefer not waiting in line, a tourist information booth, and barception for sandwich like food items, drinks and snacks. Like all of the other Comfort hotels I’ve stayed at, looks wise the hotel is pleasing. More so the common areas than the guest room. I guess there is a limit to how much you can add to a room, when it is as small as this one. It’s designed for two, but I think it’s on the smaller side even for one. Regarding location, it’s good. Then again, Tromsø is not big, so everything is a short walk away 🙂
If flying in, you can get on the airport express bus. Departs from right outside the terminal building, upon exiting turn left. A screen on the bus shows which stop is the closest to each hotel. For this one it would be no 3. From the bus stop it’s half a block. Coming in by sea, you’re about 500 meters away.
PS! I’ll pile a list of no-go restaurants at the end of the post, as I try new places in town.
Update: Now I’ve figured out from where the much cheaper, local bus departs. Exit through the parking garage. You need to go one floor down, from the arrivals hall. Walk straight. When you exit the building, you’ll spot the bus stop on the other side of the road.