When the rain started pouring down in Juodkrante on the Curonian Spit in Lithuania, I figured it was time to take shelter, and find lunch. Not spotting lots of places to choose from, after all this is a small village, out of season, and just a couple of open ones, I ended up at Zvejone. Admittedly I didn’t have the best feeling sitting down, as it looked like a bar, not a food serving spot, but when the tomato soup and garlic bread arrived, there were no regrets! The tomato based vegetable soup, which I would call it, was up my alley, and I now have a new favourite snack – kepta duona. Black bread, as in rye bread, fried in a garlic flavoured something, with a lightly sprinkle of cheese on top. So yummy! Some bits were chewy, and other bits were crispy. Luckily I got a big bowl of it, ’cause I couldn’t stop stuffing my face 😀 Other offerings on the menu have a traditional food vibe. Zvejone sits in a house typical for the Curonian Spit. 5 tables only inside, but an outside seating area which is probably nice in the summer.
Update: The restaurant saw my post, and gave me the recipe for Kepta Duona – how lovely of them!
… fresh garlic, salt and deep fried local bread
it’s that simple! Usually all best things come from simplicity
Next time when visiting Lithuania You should try fried bread with cheese and a glass of local beer, this snack is most popular choise among lithuanians …
Zvejone on Facebook: facebook.com/zvejone

Mmmmm. Sounds delish!
Yep, I need to try at recreate it 🙂