Kibinas is the name. Now, it is often served with a bowl of broth, as you will see in a post about my lunch at the chocolate museum in Siauliai, because you don’t think I could leave Lithuania without having it twice 😀 Why I didn’t get this one with broth, I think I have to blame on my non-existent Lithuanian. What is Kibinas? It reminds me of shortcrust pastry, with meat filling. Originally filling is made of mutton and onion, but the places I visited, had different types to choose from. This one had bites of chicken mixed with onion. I was considering going for a second one, with pulled pork, but then there were all the cakes 😀 Way too many to choose between. Seems like for round cakes, you decide yourself how big of a piece you want, and pay by weight. Pinavija is very busy, so you’ll have to patiently wait in line, but I think it is worth it. Cosy inside, great food, outside seating on pedestrian street. It is located on Vilnius Gatve, close to G9 shopping mall. A street dotted with restaurants, cafes, and bars.
I checked out a couple of other eateries in Vilnius also.