I travelled on the TER train from Saint-Malo to Rennes. 1 hour. A 35 minute stop in Rennes, and then I was on the TGV INOUI train to Paris, or Massy TGV, to be more precise. A Parisian lady who stayed at the same hotel as me on Guernsey Island, was very clear: it is not Paris 😀 Last leg took close to 2 hours. The TGV INOUI train looked a little outdated compared to the TER train, and the WIFI was not working on the former. Besides that, no issues travelling on either. Honestly though, not the most exciting landscape to travel through.
I booked my ticket online at SNCF Connect. You can choose between 1st and 2nd class, upper and lower deck, single seat row or row of 3 seats. Me: 2nd class, lower deck, single seat row. 37 euros. Including 7 euros for the single seat row. Best choice ever!! The 3 seater was just as crammed as seats on a plane. Choose e-ticket during booking, and download the app.
The train station in Saint-Malo is not within the town walls. You can catch a bus from one of the stops just outside the Saint-Vincent city gate. After a short ride you are dropped off next to the train station. The station is small, with a kiosk, a few seats, and the tracks. Really no reason to be early. It is basically just waiting for the track info to show up on the departure board, and it doesn’t until right before departure.
The train station in Rennes is a lot bigger, and busier, but not overwhelming. Easy to figure out, even if you don’t speak French. As it was a 35 minute stop only, time was spent waiting in front of the departure board, like the locals 🙂
Like I said, I didn’t end up in Paris, exactly, but at Massy TGV, which is just south of the city. As the train going to Charles de Gaulle Airport leaves from the same station (also not far from Orly Airport), I decided to stay here for the night. I just felt it would be less stressful than finding my way around the city in the morning, while hauling luggage. Upon exiting I found a taxi rank. It looked official, but not quite sure if I got scammed or not… I found the trip to my hotel more expensive than I had anticipated… And it turned out to be within a fixed rate zone… Well, well.
I’ve travelled by train in France once before, from Paris to Caen in Normandy, and back again. It was during the hottest summer ever recorded in France. 15,000 people died. On our return ride the A/C didn’t work in the carriage we were in. One sweaty, unforgettable experience. I have never wanted to leave a place more. So much that we left for the airport earlier than planned, to see if we could be put on an earlier flight out. No such luck 🙁