I had a few hours only to spend, on a rainy day, but I liked what I saw. Wouldn’t be opposed to visiting this walled town in France, again. I was very surprised how much they have been able to squeeze in between the ramparts, intra-muros as they say. It was a lot bigger than I had anticipated. Tall houses. Narrow, cobblestoned streets crisscrossing. A few squares scattered here and there. All filled with lots of shops, cafes, restaurants, and take-away places giving off heavenly smells. So much I’d like to try. The town walls are Saint-Malo‘s pride and joy, and it is well deserved. They are a really nice spot to go for a walk. Not sure if you can go all the way around. I just did parts. On top you get splendid views of the sea with tidal islands, and their forts, which you can walk to at low tide. The beaches below the ramparts look lovely too. Probably nice in the summertime. The one close to my hotel had a tidal pool. It appears like Saint-Malo and the surrounding area have a decent amount to offer. Need to explore the Brittany region more at a later time. Also bordering Normandy, and pretty close to beautiful Mont-Saint-Michel.
When it was time to leave, on the train to Paris, I got a glimpse of what’s outside the walls, and it didn’t look too exciting. More of a modern feel. Grey. Residential. FYI, you can catch a bus to the train station from one of the bus stops just outside the Saint-Vincent city gate.
Website: saint-malo-tourisme.co.uk