On my day trip to the Guernsey island of Sark, I had to stop by the island’s 20 year old chocolate factory. A cute, little thing on the way towards La Coupee, and the only place to refresh after leaving the village – La Sablonnerie restaurant and tea garden on Little Sark had closed for the winter. It is a small cafe/shop combo, in which they have squeezed in two tables and chairs, but also offers outside seating for warmer months. Free banana bread (they should charge money for it, because it is really nice!), a shortbread like cake with a layer of caramel and covered in chocolate (very rich!), along with a cup of tea. Just what I needed after a 20 minute walk in slightly cold and windy weather. The cafe’s food and drink selection might be limited, but the shop’s items are plentiful. Of course mostly chocolate, in different shapes, forms, and flavours, but also homemade jam, hot chocolate, mugs, aprons, tea towels, and other souvenirs. On your way in, or out, you can peek into the kitchen, where the handmade chocolate is crafted, before being shipped off by carriage and by boat to whomever ordered it.
How to get there? Walk 😀 About 20 minutes after leaving the village, following the road towards La Coupee, it will appear on your right hand side.
More on Sark and Guernsey Island.
Website: caraghchocolates.com