I can’t remember the last time I had mussels like the ones I got served at waterfront Sabores da Vizinha in Vila Franca do Compo, on Sao Miguel in the Azores. I could have finished another portion, easily! Add to that bolo do caco with garlic butter, and a bottle of Kima, and I’m in paradise 😀 Finding this place was basically checking Google Maps, to see what was around, what was open, and the reviews. Not many to choose from, on a public holiday, the Immaculate Conception, but we hit the jackpot. However, if you’re looking for a stylish place, this is not for you, this is basic looking. Yet going for outside seating, will provide you with an impeccable view of Vila Franca Islet. The eroded volcanic cone I unfortunately didn’t get to visit, as the ferry doesn’t run off season 🙁 Superb alternative though, admiring it from afar while enjoying a splendid meal.
Sabores da Vizinha on Facebook: facebook.com/saboresdavizinha