Madeira has been a place I’ve always associated with chartered flights, pensioners, and lush vegetation. Despite the first two, the nature aspect was tempting to such an extent that I ended up going. I based myself in Funchal, and it was far from the small town I had pictured it to be. Still not all bad. Although not getting a village like place to stroll around, you have all the things a big city offers, with a not too noticeable touristy vibe. Most times it feels like you are taking part in local everyday life. At least if you stick to the newer part of town. The old town (Zona Velha) is another story. It is the district that caters to visitors. Mainly centred around two parallel streets, with one, Rua de Santa Maria, being cramped with restaurants in a way that made it an undesirable place to spend time. The other, one block closer to the sea, was less confined, with a sea view. Just a lot more comfortable way to enjoy dinner. However, if you move further east, towards the fortress, both streets get more quiet and relaxed, once again a more local feel. In Zona Velha you also find the Art of Open Door project, painted doors. Street art, basically. A bit underwhelming. Could be due to high expectations. Likewise, Farmer’s Market. Photogenic fruit displays, very colorful, in places, and the spot to pick up flower seeds, and dried fruits and berries for my mum 🙂 With the easily reached mountains at the back, Funchal is facing the sea, with a waterfront area that is more a mix of things. At one end you have docked cruise ships and the marina, the opposite end has a pebble beach, and is a lot calmer, probably close to dead at night. Going along the promenade you’ll come across both quiet and busy places, night and day. Great views of the hills, especially after dark, and a really cool, musical…tunnel, I’d call it. Whether the tunnel display was for the Christmas season only or not, I don’t know. The city do have some cool, beautiful, and quirky, Christmas decorations. A nice add-on!

Christmas decorations

Old town (Zona Velha)

Art of Open Doors Project

Farmer’s Market
