Indiana was the largest village I visited, when exploring the Amazon Rainforest north of Iquitos, Peru. When you read largest, it should not be confused with large, because this place is very far from big. A couple of streets and a square by the dock, make up the centre. It is charming though. The trees lining the main street are shaped into figures. So adorable! You’ll find a few shops and restaurants here as well. Since we stopped by at lunch time, hence no vacant seats, I instead stepped off the main streets, and into the residential areas. Won’t claim there’s much to see off the grid. My highlight was hearing some alluring bird chatter, and after a bit of searching spotting a couple of parrots in the trees. They didn’t seem particularly frightened by me. A result of wild parrots being captured, kept as pets, before rescued, and set free? Back at the dock, waiting for my boat to depart, I hung out with some locals, a woman and her kids 🙂
I was taken to Indiana by the guide at my hotel. However there are riverboats stopping here, on their way up and down the Amazon River. When and how often they run, I have no idea. By the looks of it, they carry all you can think of, not just people. A way for locals in rural areas to go to town to trade their goods.
Riverboat Dock Vulture