The words of a friend. And it is very true. I’ve visited Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim previously, as a young adult, but never really realised how beautiful it is, especially inside. It actually blew my mind! Most things stood out, but particularly the ceiling of both the nave and the tower, the stained glass, and the organ. With a shine of lilac to it all. Standing there I was very glad I decided to revisit, when I had the chance. Exterior wise my favourite feature has always been the western wall. To me it kind of does not “match” the rest of the facade. Thereby sort of being a surprise. I remember on previous visit, thinking about all the sculptures they had to make, and then placing them in every portal 😀
Wanna climb the tower of Nidarosdomen, a.k.a. Nidaros Domkirke? On my visit prior to this one, my dad and I decided to ascend the 172 steps needed to reach the top. It was years ago, but what I recall from back then, is that we were let in a hole in the wall in small groups of maybe 15-20 people. I was able to walk straight, but my dad was too broad over the shoulders, so he had to walk half sideways. Not quite sure how tall people would fare. When all were inside this “tunnel”, it was not possible to see much. No lights. The steps were slippery due to wear, and there was a rail made out of rope only to hold on to. In other words, focus, so no accident happens. My dad being my dad, decided this was good time to ask me if I knew that a monk haunts this place 😀 Like, in the dark, with no place to run 😀 Love the memory! When we got out of there, we found ourselves walking a ledge inside the tower. Didn’t find it much safer than the dark and the monk. It felt narrow, and, unrealistically, easy to tumble over, and fall down onto the church floor… Another staircase, and we stepped out onto the viewing platform. Exhale! Don’t remember much of the views – sorry 😀
PS! Included in the ticket is entrance to the Archbishop’s Palace Museum. I didn’t have the interest…