When leaving Bratislava in Slovakia, for Vienna, Austria, I figured it was time to try another mean of transportation. Not bus, by train. There’s not much difference in travel time, about an hour both. I did consider taking the ferry, up the Danube River, but it was out of season, meaning fewer departures that didn’t fit my plan. After landing on the train alternative, it was pretty smooth sailing from there. The tram stops a short walk from the train station, actually looked like a residential area. I just followed the crowd. Soon the very old, outdated, and gloomy…, central station appeared. Like a relic from the Eastern Bloc area. After a little back and forth, I found the correct ticket booth to line up at, and the lady at the window without notice gave me a return ticket. Telling her that I was not coming back, she told me it was cheaper to buy a return ticket than a one-way one. How nice of her! I ended up giving the return ticket to the front desk of the hotel in Vienna, for someone else to use it for their trip to Bratislava. Paying it forward 🙂 So with ticket in hand, it was just figuring out how to kill time until the departure. I found a great way. The cake shop a bit hidden from the main hall 🙂 Breakfast time!
While in Bratislava, I stayed at Patio Hostel.
How I travelled the opposite way, by bus: Take the Bus From Vienna to Bratislava
Note: Photos are by Kiwiev (#1) and me (#2).