VIDEO: The Panama Canal

how to visit panama canal panama city panama

What is visiting Panama without visiting the Panama Canal, you might ask. Well, it can be done… Meaning this is a ok thing to do, but it wouldn’t be insanely crazy if you missed out. On that note I guess I should mention I’ve seen the workings of locks before, in Germany, and I was fascinated. However since I was based in Panama City during my visit, and the Miraflores Locks are just outside the city centre, I figured I might as well. It is the Panama Canal we’re talking about after all 🙂 Before heading out there, I had from other parts of town noticed the huge ships sitting out on the water waiting in line, for days, to pass through the canal. An impressive sight, definitely when passing them by boat on my way to Taboga Island. I think that might the sight that will stick with me thinking of the Panama Canal.

One word of advise for visiting the Miraflores Visitor Centre though, do your research, because I barely made it there in time. My groundwork wasn’t the best, so I didn’t know until I was told by the hotel front desk that ships are let through twice a day only, during a 2 hr window. In the morning both locks are letting ships move from west to east, and in the evening, from around 2:00 pm I think it is, ships are moving from east to west. I got there 9:30 am, or so, and I got only a glimpse of the last two ships sailing through at that time slot. Besides watching the ships, on site you’ll find an exhibition hall, restaurant, lunch cafe, movie theatre showing a movie about the history of the canal, gift shop, information desk happy to help, and a 2 hr tour you can join – I didn’t. The place definitely gets crowded, so be prepared. Before leaving for Panama I was told about the possibility of getting hired as a line handler on sail boats going through, even for not the buffest one 🙂 , getting free boarding and lodging, and a trip through the canal. I had too little time in Panama to make it fit in, but it sounds really cool!

Getting to the Miraflores Visitor Centre is pretty easy. Take the metro to the Albrook stop. Find you way to the bus terminal, from where you take the local bus. It is a fairly short ride from Albrook, and you won’t miss the stop, like I thought I might, as the bus stops right outside the main entrance. Going back was totally different story. After waiting for the bus for a very long time, it’s on a schedule, but was apparently very delayed, a guy who was also waiting, haggled with a taxi driver to him back, and then came over to ask if I wanted to share a taxi with him. Realising I could be there for a while, it was a good deal. One backpacker looking out for another backpacker 🙂 Got dropped off at the Albrook shopping mall, and I was back on track. People might say you should go on a tour, or pre-arrange private transportation, as there might not be taxis at the visitor centre to take you back. There were plenty…


4 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Panama Canal

  1. oops- I went to Panama and missed out on the canal! Hahah .. but then again, I was only there for a short time and we went over to the San Blas islands hehe Looks awesome though and glad I got to experience it through you 🙂

    1. If I had little time, I would have hopped on over to San Blas as well – that was an incredible experience!! Well, now you’ve seen it, and know it wasn’t a huge loss 😉

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