French Quarter by Day, and Night

experience french quarter by day night new orleans louisiana usa

After settling in at the hotel, we figured there was no reason to not go out and take on New Orleans‘ most famous district. It suppose to be best at night, and it kinda was. Well, it felt pretty chaotic, with the streets filled with people and music blaring from all corners of the neighbourhood, but compared to the more grey and grim daylight appearance, it felt a lot more see worthy. The feeling of chaos can also be hung on the fact that this was the biggest city we had been to on our road trip, a lot bigger than we thought it was going to be, and it was Halloween 🙂 In the morning the music was still playing, one bad I was sure I spotted during the night as well, but now we could get a better look at the beautiful architecture the area is known for also. The thing I found the most intriguing on our stroll through, was the voodoo shop. Unfortunately it was not allowed to take photos inside, so I won’t be able to share with you what brought a smile to my face – the handmade voodoo dolls.


By night:

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By day:

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12 thoughts on “French Quarter by Day, and Night

    1. Yes, more people came out after the morning rain had stopped, and their hangovers had passed 😀

  1. New Orleans is one of the places I haven’t been in the US that I most want to visit. So your photos and info are interesting. I wonder what you found in the voodoo shop? Ha ha!

    1. I was so happy when I finally got to go. Been wanting to do that for a long time. The voodoo shop was cool! Everything from weirder stuff to the “adorable” voodoo dolls and tarot readings.

  2. Your photos make me want to visit NOLA even more than before!! What a unique and beautiful area.

  3. I went to New Orleans with my family when I was little and I still remember that time. As you said music and people everywhere and my Dad started dancing in the middle of the street. A man approached him and gave him one dollar saying “this is the best thing I have seen tonight” people are brilliant there!

    1. Haha, great story, and great memories, and of your dad too! Going there as a kid must have been mind blowing 🙂

      1. Yes, it was. We combined the trip with a tour around the Southern States and it was great. The US is one of my favourite countries and I have been back multiple times.

        1. We did a road trip from DC to New Orleans, mostly along the coast. Had a great time! My first US road trip, but hopefully not my last. Where are you from?

          1. I am from Berlin, Germany, but moved to the UK 10 years ago. My parents never had the chance to travel outside of Germany really before the wall came down. So when it did we went abroad for most of our holidays. What about you?

            1. Oh, wow, it must have been “interesting”, for the lack of a better word, to grow up in East Berlin. I remember watching on TV when the wall came down. Still makes me tear up 🙂 I’m from the northern part of Norway. Live in Oslo now. Have always been curious about foreign countries, so very glad I get the opportunity to explore. All childhood summer vacations spent in Norway or Sweden. Way to expensive to fly abroad from here 🙂 Camping instead 🙂

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