Savannah, Georgia

what to do see sights savannah georgia usa

There’s no doubt I had high expectations of this place. Is it then my fault it did not hold up? Whomever’s to blame, it definitely came crumbling down. After being dropped off by our Uber driver on East Bay Street, which looked like to be smack in the middle of things, at least on the map, we were surprised to see nothing around. Not having anything pulling us in, we decided to go for lovely River Street first. From the eastern end of River Street we then criss-crossed over to the corner of Liberty Street and Whitaker Street – nothing stood out… We figured walking all the way to the Starland District would be too long, so at the aforementioned corner we hopped on the dot, which took us to the southern end of Forsyth Park. On the ride there we did see some nice mansions lining the street, but coming in from Charleston the night before, we were not very impressed… Following our stroll through the fairly sizeable Starland District, we couldn’t grasp the fact that there apparently had been little to see in the historic district, so we decided to give it another go. We took the dot down Drayton Street – nothing to see around there, before we changed to the other dot line back on Liberty Street, to explore the western part. We got off at Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, from where we walked until we stumbled upon the area around the City Market, finding places for shopping and partying. After agreeing that we had covered more or less every corner of the city, we basically gave up, and left. I would say we gave it a fair shot… We did cover an area of nearly 1 by 2 miles.

A thing Savannah has going for it, is the dot. A super way of getting around town, for free. Two bus lines, and a ferry. We did not go on the ferry, but we sure took advantage of the buses 🙂


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6 thoughts on “Savannah, Georgia

    1. I tend to like those smaller, more compact cities. I’m always surprised, and delighted, when I find US cities with functional public transportation, where I don’t have to rely on a taxi to get around.

  1. I have wanted to go to Savannah ever since I read “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”. I want to see all the old homes.

    1. Must admit I haven’t heard of the book or the film… I thought there were more, and better looking, old homes in Charleston…

  2. I’m sorry that Savannah wasn’t your cup of tea! I’ve heard such good things about it but never visited myself. But you’ve made a good point that just because other people like a place, doesn’t mean you will.

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