Bitty & Beau’s Coffee

must visit bitty beaus coffee cafe charleston south carolina usa

I hadn’t heard about this cafe in Charleston, South Carolina, but apparently it’s been on (American) TV and all, and the founder was named CNN Hero of the Year last year. And there is a good reason for that. This is a coffee house that is run by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Basically making people feel included. And if that’s not winning you over, Bitty & Beau’s is cozy, pins your hometown on a map, even if you’re from out of the country, has a merch shop with nice #notbroken items, and hands out playing cards to ID your order – I got the 4 of hearts 🙂 Who knew this was what we were gonna get, when we were freezing and looking for a place to wait for the city to wake up. Highly worth your visit!


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8 thoughts on “Bitty & Beau’s Coffee

  1. I love the idea behind this cafe. I went to a similar one in Slovenia that employed and gave training opportunities and professional certificates to adults living with developmental disabilities. There should be more businesses that are inclusive like this!

  2. I haven’t been to South Carolina (yet) but Bitty and Beau’s Cafe is exactly the kind of place I would choose for a meal. The playing cards to call your order is a fun idea!

  3. What a cozy coffee house with a great mission. I love that they use cards instead of calling out your name. The pin map is cool, too!!

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