Lights Out!

climb cape hatteras lighthouse outer banks north carolina usa

This I was really looking forward to. Climbing Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Buxton, Outer Banks, North Carolina. How disappointed was I when I was told climbing was not possible anymore – climbing season ended beginning of October šŸ™ Since Cape Hatteras Light Station includes in addition to the lighthouse itself, a visitor centreĀ and keepers’ quarters only, it became a very short visit. On to the next!


climb cape hatteras lighthouse outer banks north carolina usa

climb cape hatteras lighthouse outer banks north carolina usa

6 thoughts on “Lights Out!

  1. I’ve been wanting to visit a lighthouse forever. What a pity that climbing wasn’t possible.

    1. Yes, was really looking forward to it. Never been in the proximity of a lighthouse before šŸ™‚

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