On the Highway of Death

mutla ridge kuwait

For a day out of Kuwait City, we decided to go explore Mutla Ridge, the highest point in Kuwait at 306 meters above sea level, driving towards the Iraqi border. With only a couple of roads to choose from, we inevitably had to come across the Highway of Death, the place where retreating Iraqis were attacked during the Gulf War, leaving an insane amount of wreckage. All cleaned up now, the line of hills is still not particularly spectacular. On the other hand, sandy, remote, empty spaces dotted with military bases. With the latter in mind, when we got to the end of the road we were following, we knew better than to trundle on when we were told by signs not to trespass… On a more “spectacular” note though, on the way back we stopped to go quad biking in the desert at the foot of the hills. My first time, both in the desert and not! Really, really fun!

To take us around, we hired my friend’s driver – perfect!

10 thoughts on “On the Highway of Death

  1. Were you able to book the quad bike adventure in advance? Do you have any contacts? I’m going in February 2019 but won’t be there over a weekend. I’m hoping they operate every day so I can have this experience too. Any info you can provide is appreciated. Thank you.
    Deb from Canada

    1. Hi Deb! It didn’t look like that kind of operation. More like I’ll bring the bikes to the desert and maybe someone comes by and wanna go for a ride. Sorry, have no info šŸ™ We just happened to see them as we drove by on our way out, and decided to stop on our way back.

        1. Crossing my fingers here too šŸ™‚ Have a great time! Kuwait was very different from what I thought, but then again I hadn’t done much research before going, put it all on my ex-pat friend šŸ™‚

  2. What a eerie feeling I get, even just looking at the photo. I can’t imagine what it feels like to travel on the Highway of Death. Sounds like a very interesting and cool trip! #TheWeeklyPostcard

  3. What an intersting day trip! The name is quite fitting but at least going quading looks fun! Thanks for linking up with #TheWeeklyPostcard!

  4. Sounds like a fitting name for the road! It looks so desolate. The quad biking sounds fun though. Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard.

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