The Leal Senado Building is one of the European looking structures in Macau, and is said to be the finest Portuguese example in town. I am no architecture expert, so what the buildings lining the square opposite the loyal senate building are classified as, I don’t know, but I know I liked them a lot better than this one, at least from the outside. I didn’t go inside the other ones, but Leal Senado I visited, sort of… See, after entering I found myself in a small, but nice, backyard garden, with the recognisable blue and white, Portuguese tiles on the walls. From there the plan was to go inside the building itself, but with the hoards of people coming towards me when I crossed the threshold, I lost my motivation, and after I quick peek into one of the rooms, I turned around and walked back out. What I had gotten a glimpse of was the senate chamber, and with it not peaking my interest so much that I was willing to fight the crowds, I didn’t have a look at the public library and small chapel. Should point out though that this landmark was not super important for me to visit, so missing out was not a big deal. Next!
Macau’s Loyal Senate

Wow, it’s interesting to see the European architecture in Macau. I have always had the impression that it’s almost like the Las Vegas of Asia, so it was neat to see it’s completely different than I expected in some ways!
It is kind of surreal to see the western architecture, and a nice break from the Las Vegas style.
Those tiles though!
I know, but if you’ve seen some, you’ve kinda seen them all…
I love those blue and white Portuguese tiles! So pretty and recognizable.
They are beautiful, but after a while a bit “been there, done that”…
Macau feels like a neat place. Strong European influence in Asia which always fascinates me. Toss in the casinos and you have quite the mix.
It felt quite surreal to be walking among old European buildings in the old town. And, yes, quite the mix when you put it all together 🙂