Something Old, Something New…

museumsquartier vienna austria

Initially I was not going to visit MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, but since it turned out to be on my way home one day, I thought I’d do a quick peek inside the Baroque buildings facing the street. To my surprise, I hadn’t read much about it, it was not just the building you see on the street, but after entering the arch like entrance, you step into a courtyard like area, where there is a mix of said Baroque buildings and modern architecture. At this point I am sad to say that it didn’t look as fantastic as the photo above shows. Take away the light art, and you have what I saw, nothing striking. The other modern architecture building was in the same vein, but impressive in size. The MuseumsQuartier is apparently a venue for art museums, events, contemporary exhibitions, dance, production studios, artists in residence, facilities designed for children, and art groups. I saw….nothing… It is among the most quiet places I have ever been to. Usually I like that, but this time it just made it boring. In some of the former imperial court stables I found some shops, but besides that, nothing.


Note: Photo is by Hubertl.

6 thoughts on “Something Old, Something New…

  1. That’s too bad that it didn’t live up to expectations. I hate when cities do that. I would still love to visit Vienna once in my lifetime though

    1. Yes, it’s always a bummer when you feel like you came for nothing. In this case I’m thinking it might have to do with expectations, because I’ve others who really like the city.

  2. This is actually helpful, as we plan our trip to Vienna in 8 weeks. I have low expectations and trimmed out time there down to 1 full day 🙂 If we do end of loving Vienna, we will have to return to see more.

    1. Vienna and I are not on the best of terms :), so I’d say a day is enough. Had some great food experiences, and I really enjoyed Prunksaal, but otherwise… Going in with low expectations might be the clue 🙂

  3. I didn’t notice anything unique about Museums Quartier either. I’m still looking for what makes Vienna such a great city. I’ve been twice and it’s fallen short of my expectations both times. Maybe third time will be the charm? 😉

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