Upington: The Last Frontier

upington south africa

Upington is kind of the last you see before you head out into the Kalahari Desert. And it feels more like a place you stock up on stuff, and a place people…live – no touristic feel to it at all. It is a small place, with a nice river area, and a good-looking church ๐Ÿ™‚ Besides that there are a few streets lined with shops, selling necessities more than anything else. No reason to linger here, really. Though, if you’re a wino (I’m not), you’ll probably want to stop by the wine tasting at Orange River Cellars.

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10 thoughts on “Upington: The Last Frontier

  1. Is this place an oasis or something similar? The photos from the plane look very bare. The, you show a beautiful picture of a boat on a river. Very interesting!

    1. No, it is the Orange River, that runs from Lesotho through South Africa and into the Atlantic Ocean. I think the Northern Cape region are the driest and most remote area in SA. Upington is the last town before the Kalahari Desert.

    1. No, I just walked through town. Popped into a few shops. It was so small, so it was done quickly, a lot quicker than I expected ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. It is very authentic, that’s for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Wine seemed to be a thing there, so then you would have liked it ๐Ÿ™‚

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