Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

victoria falls zimbabwe

The Victoria Falls site in Zimbabwe is quite different from the falls on the Zambian side, where you have several trails to choose from. In Zim there is one long stretch only, starting on the Zambezi river bank going all the way down to Victoria Falls Bridge. Once again a second entrance to the site, at the bridge, would have been nice. At this part of the falls, it is all about getting up close and personal. The falls are in your face, literally. You feel the mist created by the waterfall covering everything you own. Since this is the dry season, you don’t get far from as soaked as in the rainy season, and you dry up very quickly. And here is the conundrum you’re facing when timing your visit to Victoria Falls. If you’re to visit in the rainy season when the waterfall is at its full throttle, the mist will make sure you’ll be soaking wet, and that the views are far from good, maybe even non-existent, unless you do a helicopter ride. Or do you visit in the dry season, where you get great views, can walk into the middle of the river, but don’t get to experience the unbroken 1,7 km waterfall, at its fullest. At one point I was considering if I needed to go back to enjoy it how it is suppose to be enjoyed, but now I am reconsidering… As the falls are going down into a canyon you’ll never get to take the whole fall in in one go, in a Niagara Falls way, because there is no room for that to happen. For that you will have to do the heli ride. One of the local guides said this was the best time to visit. Who knows… In the end me and the super nice American lady I met and hung out with for the rest of the Zimbabwe visit, were happy with what we got.

For the ones coming in from Zambia for the day, the Victoria Falls site is conveniently located right next to the Zimbabwean border post.

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18 thoughts on “Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

  1. It’s nice to see a post like this that is realistic rather than just “wow the falls are amazing”! This is definitely helpful – I’d love to see them one day. I think I would chose the wet conditions in order to see full falls. It sounds like you had a good time nonetheless! #FarawayFiles

    1. Thank you! Yes, I had a great time, and I now know that I chose the right time to visit. I know the likelihood of me doing a helicopter ride is very small, and not being able to see the waterfall as one long stretch from the ground, and maybe not at all because of the mist, I would be bummed.

  2. It’s an interesting question, when do you visit the Falls to get the ‘best’ experience? I would love to see the Victoria Falls – they’re such a magnificent spectacle. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles

    1. Honestly, I wasn’t aware that half the river was gonna be dry. Don’t know where my head was at… But having thought about it now, I am glad I went at this time, because I would never have paid for a helicopter ride, and that is the “only” way to experience it when it is at full force. It is super!

  3. After visiting Iguazu Falls in South America I thought I was ruined forever. How could anything top that but Victoria Falls looks like it might come in a very close second.

  4. You visit so many awesome places! I love to see your many adventures. I have dreamed of visiting this place for a long time. It is so immense! #FarawayFiles

  5. Ah bummer there is no room to take a boat beneath the falls like Niagara Falls, but doing a helicopter ride over the falls would be awesome!! #FarawayFiles

  6. Oh wow, that is so beautfiul! Always wanted to visit Victoria falls. My parents were there last year and said its fantastic. But they were on the Zambia side.

    1. I stayed on the Zambian side as well. Livingstone is so much better than Victoria Falls (name of village as well). But the falls were much better on the Zimbabwean side this time of year. Had a great time!

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