Victoria Falls Bridge

victoria falls bridge zambia zimbabwe

Victoria Falls Bridge sits on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. There’s actually a 50 cm or so no man’s land in the middle of the bridge. It’s definitely not the most beautiful bridge I’ve come across, I guess it’s more of a landmark. And a world known bungee jumping spot. A girl went off while I was there, and the death cry was ringing between the canyon walls. I don’t understand that they pay to do that 🙂 At one point I realised it is a very old bridge, and thoughts of how robust it is, appeared. Reason: a huge truck heavily loaded was crossing. Road signs say vehicles have to NOT stop, and only one can be in the middle of the bridge at a time. I get it. The whole bridge was swaying… At that moment I just wanted to get off 🙂 Luckily the bridge is not long. Walking across is done pretty quickly. Just make sure not to pass the Zimbabwean border post on the other side.

Getting on the bridge is more of an ordeal than I thought it was going to be. After being dropped off (me by a taxi) at the Zambian border post (coming from Livingstone), you have to leave your passport with the authorities. In return you get a small piece of paper with a stamp on it, and are told to pick up the passport on return at the other side of the building. Once the emigration procedure is done with, you are free to start walking towards the bridge. At first it seems like a daunting task with the sun burning, but don’t fall for the temptation and accept the bike taxi offering a ride, telling you it is 1-2 km until the bridge, because it’s not true 🙂 When you start walking you’ll see before you a straight road which turns a bit further down. At the turn is the bridge. My guesstimate: a 10  min walk.

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10 thoughts on “Victoria Falls Bridge

  1. Omg, I could understand your fear of wanting to get off the bridge when a truck was passing! I couldn’t handle it! #WanderfulWednesday

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