While preparing for my upcoming trip to Bruges and Brussels, I had a hard time finding decent, budget places to stay. Then I decided to try out Hotwire, which a friend of mine has been raving about for a long time, and his friend always uses Hotwire and always get great deals. It sounded a lot better to get a fancy hotel in downtown Bruges, even though I didn’t know beforehand which hotel, than staying at a more crappy one for the same price. As said as done. Chose a 4 star hotel in central Bruges with a discount of around 40%. Result: Academie Hotel. Knew I had seen that hotel in my research, so I headed back to my usual hotel booking sites. And there it was, at a lower price than what Hotwire charges… Did I feel scammed? Yes! And is this hotel a 4 star? Well, after looking at some of the photos around, the single, budget room has a long way to go before it resembles anything like a 4 star. The other rooms do look a lot better. What room I end up with only time will tell, and as always I’ll let you know 🙂
I’ve Got No Use for Hotwire!

Really useful to hear your experience of using Hotwire. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles
I saw a guy on here say you get some great deals now and again, but usually the same as other sites. Better to know where you end up I’d say.