And apparently interesting for grown-ups too. Might have looked out of place seeing four adults trundling in without kids in tow 🙂 But that’s how the story goes. When dessert time came along, after dinner at Myanmar Plaza (shopping mall) in Yangon, this suggestion was put on the table. As a lot of other things I have experienced so far in Myanmar, I once again had no idea what I was heading for, and it was yet another pleasant, I guess more correct, cute, surprise. Mr. Jones’ Orphanage has teddy bears all over the place, and food and drinks are served in playful tableware – a little girl’s heaven! Tea party for real. Just maybe they should have put this much thought into what they’re serving too. Must be the most dry red velvet cake there is. The banana cake was more on the moist side, but I’ve had better. Tea was…tea… Adorable on the outside, needs more work on the “inside”!
Perfect for Kids!

Woah – check out that red velvet cake! Yes, you made the right choice! #citytripping
Looks good, but not particularly moist… But cool place!
Ar don’t you just hate it when that happens! Not worth the calories!
😀 Definitely not worth the calories!
Looks cute. That’s a very bright red cake! #citytripping
Definitely! A bit on the bright side for red velvet cake maybe…
Great experience but a shame the cake was dry! #CityTripping
I bet it had been out all day…
Shame I didn’t come across this before my visit to the city with my daughter! #citytripping
Yes, it would have been perfect!
This looks like a cute place to visit.
It’s adorable!