Lake Titicaca!!

explore lake titicaca uro islands puno andes peru

Need I say more?? This has always been a dream of mine. And my only reason for adding Puno to my itinerary. Well, maybe not the lake itself, but the fascinating floating reed islands of the Uros. First off on this half-day excursion was a 20 minute or so boat ride from the harbor in Puno, together with some loud, but friendly, Brazilians. So friendly that they afterwards asked me to join them for lunch, even though their English was poor, and my Portuguese non-existent – well, besides obrigada 🙂 And so loud that I felt I was tagging along on their extended family outing. Anyway. First stop on the lake was this cool looking island with a huge fish lookout tower – best island around! After a show and tell presentation of how the islands are built, we were assigned a family and taken to visit their home – I got the chief of the small island we had set foot on 🙂 So there I was on a reed sofa, in a 1.5 square meter house with outside kitchen, with his two kids watching TV, and talking to him about life there. And of course for the hospitality you buy some souvenirs – I got myself a reed boat, which looks excellent on my shelf! It seemed like most of the islands have homes and houses only, but our second and last stop was more “downtown” – with stalls selling souvenirs and food & drinks.

I visited with a local tour company (sorry, don’t remember the name), but I read you can go by yourself as well.


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